Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fort Hunter Day 2015

I had the fun of participating in Fort Hunter Day again this year.
The weather was glorious!! 

I demonstrated English Paper Piecing (both my beloved EPP stars, as well as some hexagon flowers) in the tavern.  

I love those big windows and all the light they allow in; it makes stitching indoors a pleasure on a beautiful September day!

(Kathy O., your swirls on my Suburbs quilt made the perfect backdrop for my display!)

These two Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts from my mother's side of the family were hand pieced instead of EPP'd, but I still wanted to showcase them, as this pattern could easily be EPP'd.

To keep sticky fingers away from my quilts and projects, this year I set up a table next to me with some plastic shapes identical to EPP shapes.  That way, young ones could touch and play and be creative to their hearts' content after seeing the real thing up close.  
Please know, I do believe quilts are meant to be seen and touched, but not by multitudes of sticky fingers!!  :)

I stitched a few more EPP stars between chatting with visitors.

Meanwhile, my quilt guild was over at the Centennial Barn gallery with their fabulous display of quilts.

I was honored to be able to display a few of my creations along with the other members of my guild:

And, here is the first peak of the quilt our guild made for the 230th anniversary of Dauphin County, commemorating African American involvement in the county's history.  
It's really quite remarkable....

So grateful to be able to participate in such a fun event!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

One Last Day...

... of EPPing on the beach for the season!