Hi there!Goodness, if I would take the time to write these newsletters more often, it wouldn't feel like I'm reinventing the wheel each time I go to do one! I'm thankful to have had a number of new students in class recently, so I thought it was past time to get a newsletter off to you. :)

A FB friend recently checked in with me and said she hadn't seen me post much on FB about my quilting endeavors lately. She is right! I tend to post more on Instagram so that I don't annoy my non-quilty FB friends, and only post the highlights on FB. :) Apparently I didn't have many highlights to post! But, during the month of March I've been participating in the "IG Quilt Fest 2022" hosted by @AmysCreativeSide on Instagram. It's been fun!! This is probably the fourth year I have participated. I usually get side tracked and don't post each day, or lose steam before the month ends, but this year I decided to challenge myself to do every single prompt. I had shared with some of you that I felt like I had lost my quilting mojo with all the craziness of the world these past two years; quilting felt frivolous to me, or made me wish for life BC (before covid).... Participating in this quilt fest seems to have done the trick!! It's been fun to reflect on my quilting journey and document it. And now I'm back to thinking about quilting 24/7 and wishing there were more hours in the day. :) Feel free to hop over to my Instagram account and take a look at my daily posts: https://www.instagram.com/missandreaquilts/. The nice thing is that you don't have to have an Instagram account to be able to view it. Hopefully my letting you know about this goal will hold me accountable in finishing out the month!
 I was so bummed about our Revisit class being canceled on Saturday; I was looking forward to seeing my people! Apparently I was in total denial that it would actually snow.... When I realized I had an entire weekend completely open, I decided to sew like a maniac and finish up several WIP's. I've been working at finishing various WIP's so that I can justify starting some new projects! :) I always have multiple projects going at the same time. That way, I can set one aside if I'm not sure how I want to proceed and move on to the next. That approach works great for me, but every now and then I have to put my foot down and wrap up a few so that things don't get out of hand!
 This half square triangle quilt above was originally intended to be a Dutch Pinwheel quilt like the one below:
But, then I saw a rainbowtized HST quilt by Diary of a Quilter, and decided to switch gears. Now to decide on a binding.... Maybe a scrappy rainbowtized binding?? I also finished up this sweet Missouri Star Pinwheel Party quilt made from a charm pack.
 Since the backing fabric wasn't quite wide enough, my favorite solution is to add a pieced insert that ties the front in with the back. :)
I'll be teaching a Half Square Triangle class on Friday, April 15. We'll be covering various methods of stitching HST's, and if you haven't learned how to use a Bloc Loc ruler, you definitely need to join us! Here's the link to register: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/half-square-triangle-fun
 I'm currently working at finishing up an ancient WIP. :) I purchased this quilt kit at a quilt show in 2002, I believe - 20 years ago! 9/11 was fresh in my mind, and I loved the appliquéd roses - a nod to Lancaster, the Red Rose City. Twenty years later I still love it as much as the first day I saw it. I struggled and struggled with the appliqué - oh how I wish I knew what I now know about appliqué, especially my favorite freezer-paper-and-starch method! Those stars are a bear! Then I ran into trouble with my seams being slightly too deep and the flag stripe blocks ended up being too small. (Can anyone relate?!) Lots of ripping and resewing later, and I'm almost finished. I just need to appliqué the stars on the border and sew the segments together. I'm still contemplating how I should quilt it; I'm thinking big stitch quilting. Because it's such an old pattern, I can't find any similar finishes on Instagram! If you want to perfect your appliqué techniques, consider joining me for the Applique Your Way class on Friday, April 29: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/applique-your-way
 I'm still busy making t-shirt quilts for customers; I have three in the queue at the moment! Let me know if you would like to learn the Too-Cool method, and we'll get a class on the schedule.

 I also did a memory quilt and an infinity scarf for a mom who lost her son. A plush blanket on the quilt back makes it soft, warm, and snuggly.
 The infinity scarf contains scraps from her son's pajama shirt from when he was little; you could tell that it was home sewn, most likely by a loved one, so that made it even more special! The inspiration came from Binding Love, a non-profit whose scarf proceeds go to victims of sex trafficking. If you aren't familiar with them, be sure to check them out. I have basic directions posted on my blog: https://andreasuzannesquilts.blogspot.com/2016/05/in-memory-of-mother-part-ii.html
 I've wanted to make a "Beachy Faded" version of my Stars & Stripes quilt for the longest time after seeing so many on Instagram. My understanding is that to get that look, your fabrics should have a light or white background.
 Here's my fabric pull as well as some backing options. I'm determined to use my stash, but I am also planning to shop a student's stash for a few more fabrics. She is making the same version and has a much better selection than I do. :) I'd love to have you join me for the class on Friday, May 27! Here's the link: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/stars-and-stripes-quilt
I think that's all from me for now!
October 11, 2021 
NEW CLASSES OPEN FOR REGISTRATIONHello there! I wanted to pop in and let you know that we just added three new classes to the schedule for this year!

Lucky Log Cabins
This has to be one of the quickest and easiest quilts I've ever stitched! And, I love how it turned out! It's the perfect stash buster quilt since you don't have to purchase any background fabrics. I'm already thinking of a red, white, and blue version, as well as some others..... :) You can sign up here: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/lucky-log-cabins

Santa Claus Pillow
I saw this adorable pillow on Instagram last Christmas and just had to make one of my very own! I was even able to use some vintage buttons from my collection for the eyes. :) This is just one of the projects from Lori Holt's Vintage Christmas book; it's worth every penny and full of all kinds of quilty inspiration! Click here to register: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/santa-claus-pillow

Walking Foot Quilting 101
I've been wanting to teach this class for the longest time, but kept getting sidetracked by other fun classes I wanted to teach! I love walking foot quilting - it's way easier than people think, and I find it to be much less stressful than free motion quilting. If you've been wanting to learn how to quilt your own quilts, this is the perfect place to start. I'll have lots of samples to show you of various walking foot quilting designs, and then you'll spend the rest of class time practicing or quilting your own project. And just a heads up - I'm planning to offer a Free Motion Quilting class in the new year, which will be the ideal sequel. Sign up here: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/walking-foot-quilting-101
 Modern Improv Christmas Tree Blocks
I was a little pokey in getting this class posted, but it's always a hit! Super easy, and a great intro into improv piecing - hope you can join us if you haven't already had the opportunity to take this class! Here's the link to register: https://theoldcountrystore.com/events/class/modern-improv-christmas-tree-blocks WHAT ELSE HAVE I BEEN UP TO?
It's been the craziest and most stressful of times, and yet looking back on my pictures since my last newsletter I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't as bad as I'm remembering.... Or, maybe it's simply because I only take pictures of the things that are full of beauty or bring me joy?!!
Local Fair Junkie

I spent most of August frantically finishing a wide assortment of projects to enter in the Elizabethtown Fair, my annual tradition for almost 30 years. It's the craziest thing - there's something about the angle of the sun and the height of the corn at the beginning of August that suddenly puts me into fair mode. I'm motivated by deadlines, and enjoy the nuttiness of it all. :) I usually bring my collection of needlecraft entries home, pile them on the sofa, and then take the same items to the Manheim Farm Show which was this week. I've only been participating in the Farm Show for the last five years, but it is just lovely, and has a wonderful community vibe.

My favorite Etown entry was the Christmas ornament I made from my collection of fair ribbons. Only fair maniacs can appreciate the insanity!! Next up will be a version in red!
Quilt for Baby Harvey

I stitched this simple plus quilt for my very first grand nephew. I would be happy to share the free tutorial with you; let me know if you would like me to e-mail it to you!

It's a great quilt for some simple walking foot quilting! 25 YEAR LATER

I enjoyed celebrating a friend's 25th wedding anniversary in August. The couple was married at a historic horse farm in New Jersey, and one of the photos was featured in a Farm Wife News special publication highlighting country-themed weddings. Anyone remember that magazine?! :)

I thought we all aged quite well! Ahhh, the Beach....

I was able to skip off to the beach for the day a few more times, which is always a good reset for me. I love hand stitching at the beach! On this day I was prepping yo yo's for the upcoming Yo-Yo Pillow class. :)

Garden Blessings

I'm so grateful for my little bits of garden space that help keep me grounded!

A very special thank you to all of you for coming out and taking a class(es) with me recently - it truly makes me realize how important it is to continue creating and connecting no matter what is happening in the world around us. I am grateful for you!!
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